AML Compliance eBook for DPMS
AML Compliance eBook for DPMS
The Bling of jewellery is a point of attraction for common masses and criminals alike. This makes the Precious Metals and Stones Industry vulnerable to Money Laundering (ML), Financing Terrorism (FT), Proliferation Financing (PF), and other financial offences. Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (DPMS), due to the high-risk nature of their products, which can be easily liquidated, smuggled, transported, misused, and exchanged by criminals to further their illegal motives, need to exercise great caution while conducting usual transactions.
Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones need to have in place a dedicated internal Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Framework. The AML Framework needs to be formulated on the foundational stones of Risk-Based Approach (RBA), that mandates applying risk mitigation measures in proportion to the nature, extent and degree of ML/FT and PF risk to which it is exposed.
This Guide navigates the complexities of AML Compliance and provides an in-depth understanding of the AML compliance obligations of Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (DPMS) as Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs).
This guide includes:
- All About goAML Registration for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones: A step-by-step guide to assure a seamless registration process on goAML portal, which is a mandatory AML compliance requirement.
- Tailoring AML/CFT Policies and Procedures: A comprehensive AML framework that helps DPMS formulate, design, customize, and implement their policies in line with organizational goals and requirements.
- A-Z of AML Compliance: From A for Appointment of Compliance Officer, B for Business Relationships handling and monitoring, C for Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and R for Record Keeping, this guide contains all.
- Comprehensive Coverage of Reporting Requirements: A complete instruction on factors to be considered and situations necessitating the filing of DPMS Report (DPMSR), High-Risk Country and Activity Reports (HRC)/(HRCA) and other goAML reporting.
- AML Training and Governance Simplified: Everything a DPMS needs know about creating a robust AML compliance culture within their organization.
- FAQs on AML Compliance for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (DPMS): The guide answers several frequently encountered queries about DPMS AML compliance.
After reading this guide, DPMS will learn about implementing the right and necessary AML compliance measures to prevent ML/FT and PF through their business.
Check out the booklet now!
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- A complete guide to effective customer due diligence
- AML Implications for Politically Exposed Person (PEP)
- Best practices for KYC compliance
- Customer Identification – A Critical Component of AML Compliance
- How to Detect High-risk Customers and Safeguard Your Business
- Choosing an apt AML Software for DPMS
- Enhanced Due Diligence by Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones
- Targeted Financial Sanctions (TFS): Legal Requirements in UAE
- The Challenges of The Sanction Screening Process
- Red Flag Indicators For AML/CFT
- Why is AML training critical for your employees?
- Importance of AML Training
- In-house AML Compliance Department Setup
- Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Report (DPMSR)
- High-Risk Country Reporting (HRC and HRC) on the goAML Portal
- Why is Record-Keeping of Customer Identity and Transactions necessary?
Related Laws, Guidelines, Rules, and Regulations
- Guidelines for Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs)
- Ministry of Economy’s Supplemental Guidance for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones
- Terrorism Lists Regulation – Cabinet Resolution No. 74 of 2020
- goAML Pre Registration Guide Reporting Entities
- MoE goAML Circular No. 08/AML/2021
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Related Infographics
- AML Supervisory Authorities in UAE
- UAE’s 12 Strategic goals related to AML and CFT
- Reporting on goAML Portal under UAE AML Regulations
- Role of AML Compliance Officer in UAE
- An illustrative list of factors for conducting AML Business Risk Assessment
- Filing of Fund Freeze Report (FFR)
- Filing of Partial Name Match Report (PNMR)
- Risk Radar: Spotting ML/TF Red Flags in Precious Metals and Stones Business
- Gold Supply Chain: Uncovering the ML/FT Red Flags
- When to file SAR under UAE AML Law
- When to file STR under UAE AML Law?
- Responsibilities of Senior Management around the AML Program
- Elements of AML Compliance Officer’s Report to Senior Management under UAE AML Regulations
- Independent AML Audit
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- Sanctions Screening in UAE
- Differentiating Suspicious Activity vs. Suspicious Transaction
- Staying Ahead in AML Compliance: Understanding When to file STRs
- Defeating Financial Crime: Inside the AML Training Program
- Promoting Compliance Culture
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