The Complete eBook on Layering in Money Laundering

The Complete eBook on Layering in Money Laundering

Money laundering is a complicated process that criminals use to process money obtained from illegal activities and make it appear clean or legitimate.

Layering is the second stage of the money laundering process. In this stage, the illegally obtained funds are routed through complex layers of transactions to distance them from the criminal source, making it difficult to detect the origin of illegal money.

In this booklet, we explained layering inside-out by going through each of its aspects. We discussed the following:

  • Common layering techniques frequently used in money laundering
  • Measures that one should take to identify and prevent the layering of illegal funds
  • Insights into the difficulties associated with detecting and combatting layering
  • Understanding red flags associated with the layering stage
  • Using AI-based AML software to effectively identify and prevent layering attempts

Money laundering activities are on the rise, and it is necessary to detect the same at the initial stages – such as during the layering stage before the detection of illicit funds becomes difficult. Businesses must develop a robust AML compliance framework, following the applicable AML regulations and the international recommendations from bodies like FATF, MENAFATF, and the Egmont Group of FIUs and safeguard the integrity of the financial system.

To have a comprehensive understanding of layering, its techniques, and effective mitigation strategies, explore this eBook.

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